
Showing posts from January, 2015

Useful WF Query for Oracle E-Business Suite

Here is a WF query for EBS. If you want to see all process and activities on DB instead of status monitor for a completed workflow, it can be useful for you. Just give ITEM_KEY and  ITEM_TYPE parameter and wait for the response. It can takes 3-5 minutes if you are not purging old workflows. SELECT sta.item_type item_type,          sta.activity_result_code result,          pra.process_name || ' : ' || pra.instance_label process_activity_label,          sta.process_activity instance_id,          sta.item_key item_key, sta.begin_date     FROM wf_item_activity_statuses sta, wf_process_activities pra    WHERE     sta.item_key = p_item_key          AND sta.item_type = p_item_type      ...

Converting Number to Word

Problem: How to convert number to word? Example: You need to write po amount in a word format for a report.  98  >>> Ninety-eight Solution: You can use following package for this operation. SELECT ap_amount_utilities_pkg.ap_convert_number( 9815 )  AMOUNT  FROM dual; Probably, you want to take this query in your local language. If so, you must change your NLS_LANGUAGE first. ALTER   SESSION   SET   NLS_LANGUAGE   =   'TURKISH' ; Then, SELECT ap_amount_utilities_pkg.ap_convert_number( 9815 )  AMOUNT  FROM dual; Note: This package supports 12 digit  most  .