How to convert rows into comma separated values in SQL Oracle (4 ways to convert)

I have this requirement many times while coding interfaces in oracle apps. Every time, I use different options.  Here, I tried to list out the four different ways of achieving the same.
Let’s take the well-known SCOTT schema for our example. The requirement is to show the manager name along with sub-ordinate names in a comma separated list.
So first, let us simply join the tables to see the records,

OPTION 1: LISTAGG function ( Tested in Oracle 11g)

SELECT   manager.ename manager,
         LISTAGG(suboridinates.ename,',') WITHIN GROUP (order bysuboridinates.ename) suboridinates_list
    FROM emp suboridinates, emp manager
   WHERE manager.empno = suboridinates.mgr
   GROUP BY  manager.ename
ORDER BY manager.ename;

OPTION 2: WM_CONCAT function (Tested in 11g version)

Caution: This function is undocumented and unsupported by Oracle

SELECT   manager.ename manager,
         wm_concat (suboridinates.ename) suboridinates_list
    FROM emp suboridinates, emp manager
   WHERE manager.empno = suboridinates.mgr
GROUP BY manager.ename
ORDER BY manager.ename;

OPTION 3: XMLAGG and RTRIM Functions

SELECT   manager.ename manager,
         RTRIM (
          XMLAGG (XMLELEMENT (e, suboridinates.ename || ',')).EXTRACT('//text()'),
          ',') suboridinates_list
    FROM emp suboridinates, emp manager
   WHERE manager.empno = suboridinates.mgr
   GROUP BY  manager.ename
ORDER BY manager.ename;

OPTION 4: Always we can go for a custom stored function to satisfy our specific requirement.

   lv_result_value   VARCHAR2 (2000);
   FOR i IN (SELECT ename
               FROM emp
              WHERE mgr = pin_mgr)
      lv_result_value := lv_result_value || ',' || i.ename;

   RETURN LTRIM (lv_result_value, ',');

Source : How to convert rows into comma separated values in SQL Oracle (4 ways to convert)? ~ Oracle Apps Knowledge Sharing


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